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Water quality for large geographical regions Chl-a QL

(221 kB)
Example of a Chl-a map for West Africa Côte d'Ivoire,

Gulf of Guinea
April 29, 2020 Example in GIS portal

User Guide (PDF, 2.1 MB)
Ivory Coast, Oil Spill Detection Service Marine Pollution, Ivory Coast, Jul-Sept 2021.
(337 KB)
Oil Spill Detection maps include oil spill vector data and the backscatter coefficient SAR images of Benin. The data are provided in Google Maps KML format. Côte d'Ivoire Jan-Sep 2021 Full oil spill dataset available on request (liat@pml.ac.uk) here

Sample data (*.kml)

Metadata (XML, 4KB)
Côte d'Ivoire Coastal Landcover (2020) Benin LC
This is the Côte d'Ivoire land-cover classification data (2020) produced by Brockmann Consult GmbH for the Marine and Coastal Resources project. This is under the initiative Earth Observation for Sustainable Development (EO4SD) by the European Space Agency. This raster file is generated from sentinel-1 (10 products; 2019), 1 mosaic Sentinel-2 (2 products; 2020). The supervised classification method used is the Maximum Likelihood Classification (MLC). The land-cover sample data(training areas) used were desktop-generated with support from high-resolution Google-Earth images.
Côte d'Ivoire 2020 GIS data (TIF, 131.3MB)

Metadata (XML, 4KB)
Côte d'Ivoire Historical Shorelines, Shoreline Change Rates (2000-2020) - Version 1 Côte d'Ivoire shoreline
(592 KB)
Version 1 - Unvalidated. This layer consists of data used to map shore­line change rates in Cote d'ivoire produced by the National Oceano­graphy Centre for the Marine and Coastal Re­sources project under the initia­tive Earth Obser­vation for Sustain­able Develop­ment (EO4SD) by the Euro­pean Space Agency. Geo­database contains: Cote d'ivoire Shore­lines - Each shore­line delineated from the 20-year period Shore­line change rates - tran­sects Histo­rical shore­lines between 2000-2020 can be visualised, created by annual median composites of Landsat 7, 8 and Sentinel 2 imagery which deli­neates the appro­ximate mean high water mark. Methods are inspired by Coastsat, a Google Earth Engine-enabled open-source software toolkit that de­lineates shore­lines at any sandy coast­line world­wide from over 30 years of publicly available satellite imagery (https://github.com/kvos/CoastSat).
Côte d'Ivoire 2000
- 2020
Shapefiles (ZIP, 10.4 MB)

GDB file (ZIP, 5.1 MB)

Metadata (XML, 8KB)